Most parents who have small children agree that the teething of molars was the hardest compared to the growth of all other primary teeth. This can be explained with the large size and surface of these teeth. Still, despite the challenge which you can expect, you should not despair. With the right information and advice, you will help your baby sail through the whole process as easily as possible.
What are molars?
These are the teeth used for grinding or chewing food. They are quite big and have a broad surface. They will help your child start eating all kinds of solid foods that will enrich her diet and give her all the nutrients that she requires to grow and stay healthy and happy.
Their name comes from the Roman word “mola” which means millstone. Basically, they are named based on their function.In the set of primary teeth, there are eight molars in total – four lower and four upper ones. They are divided into four pairs. There is a pair of molars on each side of the mouth on both the upper and the lower jaw. In every pair, there is a first and second molar. The four first molars are smaller than their second counterparts and have pointer edges on the upper surface.
When do they grow?
The teething of molars typically begins when the child is around 15 months of age with the first molars. With molars, early teething is not common, but it may happen. Usually, the four first molars appear simultaneously or a short time apart. In some cases, the bottom ones may appear first.The second molars appear when the child is about 26 months old. They are the biggest of all primary teeth and the final ones to grow as well.
As you can see the answer to the question of how long teething lasts when it comes to molars is quite challenging. Generally, each of these teeth should not take more than a week to show up. It is important to note that the canines, which sit between the incisors and the first molars, appear before the second molars. This happens when the child is around 18 months old.
How can you tell if they are coming up?
The bulging gums are among the most common symptoms of the teething of molars. The gums seem to expand where the teeth will grow even though you may not be able to see the teeth’s surface through the tissue. The gums typically appear swollen and red as well.In some cases, a cyst forms over the molar which is about to erupt. This is a bluish bubble filled with liquid. It is not a sign of infection or of another serious problem. When the tooth appears, it will simply pierce the cyst and the bloody liquid inside it will be released. You should not panic if you see blood in your child’s mouth. The gum under the burst cyst will not require any special treatment to heal.The symptoms common for the entire teething process will most certainly appear as well. These include drooling, crankiness and irritability, trouble sleeping and chewing on objects. If your child is in great pain, she will cry a lot. She may be unable to fall asleep. She may refuse to eat. If your toddler has fever, you should call your pediatrician.
How do you provide symptom relief?
You should not hesitate to use the whole arsenal of home remedies to give your baby relief from the symptoms associated with teething molars. These include teething rings, gum massage, frozen fruit, carrots and teething biscuits. You may also place a Baltic amber teething necklace around your baby’s neck. It will work to reduce the pain and discomfort, to stop the drooling and to boost the immunity of your child. It is great to have a comprehensive and effective natural treatment. If your baby is in great pain and cannot sleep through the night, you should consider giving her a painkiller suitable for children her age.
How do you care for these and other teething?
The molars are more susceptible to cavities and similar problems. That is why you should brush your child’s teeth with a soft brush and non-fluorinated paste daily after she reaches 1. You should take her to the dentist annually or semi-annually after her first birthday. When she is around the age of 2, you can switch to fluorinated paste upon consulting the dentist.
The teething of molars is not as nightmarish as most parents think. If you take the appropriate measures, your baby will be fine while you will be much more relaxed.